Calgary Inter-Mennonite Church


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Your intrepid pastor/reporter could not cipher a way to get onto the roof to get a decent photo of the shingling.  But I can report that the north side is nearly done and I can report also that the meetings I had in my office were all punctuated with the sound of feet and hammers on the roof directly above my office.  The dust in my coffee added to the ambience and made me smile.

As I mentioned to Council on Tuesday, we are more than halfway through what has been and is a very major renovation.  CIM dreamed big (in keeping with our history) and I think we can be very proud.  Yes, there are inconveniences.  There is dust and dirt and there is limited space. Yes, there are things that we’ve had to give up short term.  But all things considered we are doing just fine – in fact, we are doing very well.  Can’t wait to share all the celebrations with you!!

Feb 17 (1)Feb 17 (2)Feb 17 (3)Feb 17 (4)


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