Calgary Inter-Mennonite Church

Our Leadership

At CIM, our leadership model is team based.  With regular input from the congregation as a whole, our worship and community activities are a collaborative effort coordinated by our pastoral leader working closely with our Council.

Pastoral Leader

  • Lauren Harms (Community Care Pastor)

Council and Committees

The Church Council consists of our Moderator, Secretary, and Treasurer as well as the chairpeople from each of the committees.

  • Council Executive
    • Walter Hossli (Moderator)
    • Ken Doerksen (Treasurer)
    • Karen Orr (Secretary)
  • Community Connections – The community connections committee coordinates community celebrations, gatherings and other events.
  • Worship – The worship committee works with the Pastoral Leader to plan Sunday morning worship services by choosing topics and themes; finding speakers, worship leaders, and Children’s time teachers; and coordinating music.
  • Peace & Social Justice – The peace and social justice committee informs the congregation about projects and service opportunities within our own faith community, in our local civic community of Calgary, and within the larger Mennonite constituency.
  • Ad Hoc – Ad Hoc committees are formed as needed for special events such as the annual church picnic, the church retreat, Advent etc.